Men's Recovery Shelter- 50 Lowell Street

Helping Hands Outreach Center was established over 20 years ago and has been serving men recovering from substance abuse issues from all over the state of New Hampshire. Located in Manchester, NH, 50 Lowell Street, Helping Hands Outreach Center offers men a supportive, safe, & sober environment during the transition from treatment centers bridging the gap between in-patient treatment and independent living. In recognition of challenges that many face reintegrating into mainstream society and offering a structured supportive substance free place to call home while the individual seeks employment, an increase in stable recovery, and through case management, connects the men to outside third party social services.
Helping Hands offers recovering men the supports of housing, food, peer support, laundry facilities, and dinner, which are served Monday through Friday. There are also two common rooms (with cable television), and is in a central location that provides easy access to the city.
Program Benefits
- A Safe, Sober Environment
- Case Management Services
- Recovery Based Meetings
- Relapse prevention
- Music Therapy
- Co- Dependency
- Meals Served Monday – Friday
- Peer Supports
- Laundry Facilities
- Central Location
Helping Hands Outreach Ministries Men’s Recovery Shelter (transitional housing) provides services for men who are reintegrating into the community from rehabilitation centers, incarceration, or other settings. We are a DIRECTED SERVICE PROGRAM that engages with those who are committed to their recovery and making healthy changes to their lives. This program will review progress made by individuals on a weekly basis. If it is deemed by staff that there is insufficient progress, we will ask you to leave the program.
ALL participants are required to engage in case management services not less than one meeting bi-weekly. Helping Hands Outreach Ministries will review all client files to assess needs, barriers to employment, mental health counseling, medical appointments, life skills development, guidance in spiritual growth and other services as needed. You are an integral and active participant here. Please address any needs, concerns, and other issues that you feel are important.
Participants are required to remit fees of 30% of their gross income. During the first two weeks 32 hours of community service can be done instead of paying program fees. Community service MUST be approved by the Executive Director prior to any work being completed. (See “Community Service” guidelines).
ALL participants are required to assist in covering the costs associated with their program. You may be asked to leave if program fees exceed $500.00. If your fees exceed $700.00, you will be asked to leave the program. Please engage in your recovery and accept your responsibilities.
The use and/or possession of drugs/alcohol & possession of paraphernalia are strictly prohibited. Anyone using substances need not apply.
- Anyone using substances will be strongly urged to seek detoxification services. You will be referred to a certified Licensed Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor (LADC) and asked to comply with all recommendations.
- Any paraphernalia will be confiscated and properly disposed of. Spice is considered a drug in this facility. A drug is defined as any mind-altering substance. We do allow the consumption of cigarettes and /or tobacco ONLY outside the building.
- ALL prescription medication must be reported to staff upon entry and while in program here. Medications are logged and placed in the locked & secure medication locker.
- ABSOLUTLY no prescription medications are to be kept in your rooms. Any prescription medication found in rooms will result in termination from the program.
- ALL prescription must have current and verifiable information.
- Participants are required to attend AA/NA meetings as determined by the client and case manager.
- You are subject to UA/Breath test for random, suspicion, on entry into the program. Refusal to submit to testing will result in termination from the program.
Unless you are on disability, you are required to seek employment while in the program.
- Employment search logs MUST be returned the Wednesday of each week.
- Search logs MUST have 15 verifiable job search references per week.
- Incomplete or missing job search logs will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination from the program.
- Volunteer service does NOT exempt participants from completing job searches.
We encourage you to use your time wisely.
While being out during the day: (Suggested Activities)
- Seeking employment
- Attending meetings (AA/NA)
- Doctor & Therapy Appointments
- Working
- Volunteering
If you on disability, you are allowed to return to the house at 12:00 noon.
Chores are a requirement within our program.
- Chores are assigned weekly and are required to be completed daily at a designated time.
- Failure to do chores in a complete and timely manner may result in loss of program participation.
- Chores are to be done at 6 pm daily unless otherwise noted.
- Chores are not considered complete until signed off & checked by volunteer staff.
You are responsible to sign in for the night prior to your curfew. Missing curfew will result in loss of program participation. Please be here for "sign in" and curfew.
You must be in your room no later than 10:55 pm every night for head count unless otherwise approved by staff.
Rooms are furnished with a bed, dresser, pillow, bed linens, and blankets. These items are the property of Helping Hands and are not to leave the premises. All items are to be returned cleaned upon departure of the program.
Participants are responsible for ensuring the building is secure at all times (except during business hours). Make sure all doors are closed and locked upon entrance and exit from the building. You are issued one set of keys. There is a $5 dollar per key charged for replacement keys issued.
No pets are allowed in the building at any time.
Smoking is not permitted inside the building. Violation of smoking rules will result in termination from the program.
Unauthorized borrowing is not tolerated at Helping Hands Outreach Ministries. Please be respectful of others' property. If you are found to have engaged in unapproved borrowing, your participation will be terminated indefinitely.
Personal hygiene is required of all participants. If you need hygiene products, please communicate your needs to staff.
Participants are NOT allowed in any room other than the one assigned by Helping Hands AT ANY TIME & FOR ANY REASON.
Proper dress is required at all times (Street clothes). Footwear is required at all time.
The management reserves the right to inspect participant rooms to determine their physical condition.
- Regarding health,
- Safety,
- Unauthorized occupancy,
- Protection of property,
- Make needed repairs,
- Alterations/installations,
- Energy conservation,
- Contraband,
- General inspection.
Upon exit from the program, please make sure you leave the room the way you entered the program.
You are required to keep your room clean and neat while within the program.
- No personal furnishing are to be in the room you are assigned.
- No alterations to the dwelling are allowed.
- Please do not tack, nail, paint, or otherwise alter the physical property.
- If there is a concern, please communicate this to volunteer or paid staff.
You may request a Weekend pass:
- After two (2) weeks in the program.
- If no disciplinary actions have occurred.
- With approval of staff.
- Have less than $200.00 in fees owed.
- Submit to UA/Breath test upon return to the program.
- One Weekend (2 days) pass is allowed every two weeks.
Communal living means that we are respectful of others. Please be courteous and keep noise levels reasonable. TV are not permitted in individual rooms unless authorized by paid staff. Volunteer staff are permitted to have TVs.
I have completely read and understand all the policies and procedures of Helping Hands Outreach Ministries, Transitional Shelter. I agree to participate in the program fully. I will engage in case management services. I will actively seek employment and remit required program fees. I agree to complete my chore as assigned. I will notify volunteers or staff 24 hours prior to program departure.